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Life Milestone Thoughts

Meet him…..

6th December 2015 - 4 min read

“We are a little weird and life’s a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love” Robert Fulghum

Tonight, I look at my North Sea Jazz picture in which, I remember, was the first time we were ever together in a frame. Not only that, but also the first time I had ever talked to him continuously for an hour train ride prior to the concert. I was about to travel to Rotterdam by myself, until he asked ‘why not travel together?’. I was checkmated.

There we were on the train sitting face to face enthusiastically talking about life, somehow. I enjoyed every second with him very much, felt brightened and somehow felt really safe. As we went along, I realize we were never that close but the gestures somehow had been there. Little did I know, he had the eyes on me the entire time ever since the first sight.

My memory flew back to the years of 2012 in an old little house in Amsterdam where I stayed for a couple of months during my internship, I met this guy who happened to be my housemate’s younger brother. I did not count it as something memorable at all until the past few months when I found out that he remembered every little details of our first meeting, about what the conversation was, what clothes I was wearing, what kind of questions I asked him, etc. Who knows, that very night, he promised to himself to get to know me.

He was fulfilling his promise. Before the whole North Sea Jazz thing, he came to me again after 3 years, asking if I was up to see an orchestra Brahm A German Requiem, To Words of the Holy Scriptures, the longest Brahm play. I said yes to it in which I never regret I did. It was right to the target, as if everything was planned. I would have said no if he asked me to go watch movies or had dinner or anything aside jazz/orchestra concert. I always wanted to go to a live classic concert, yet I had never felt right to visit the music building by myself nor had proper company to go with. I think the universe was preparing someone to accompany me and also the other way around. Someone whom I would feel comfortable to share my interest with.

Who knows it was the start of us getting to know each other?

On the train, I secretly observed and took some fix conclusions: He is a doer, not a talker; both a dreamer and a realist; he is a thinker, not a blind believer. A lot of things about him I can so much relate to.


To be continued

Meet him part 2

Meet him part 3


Picture is courtsey of Lurik Photography

Life Quotes Self growth

Paulo Coelhoe – Pilgrimage

13th June 2015 - 3 min read

“We must never stop dreaming. Dreams provide nourishment for the soul, just as a meal does for the body. Many times in our lives we see our dreams shattered and our desired frustrated, but we have to continue dreaming. If we don’t, our soul dies and agape cannot reach it.”

 ” The first symptom of the process of our killing our dreams is the lack of time. The busiest people I have known in my life always have time enough to do everything. Those who do nothing are always tried and pay no attention to the little amount of work they are required to do. They complain constantly that the day is too short. The truth is, they are afraid to fight for the good fight”

The second symptom of the death of our dreams lies in our certainties. Because we dont want to see life as a grand adventure, we begin to think of ourselves as wise and fair and correct in asking so little of life. We look beyond the walls of our day-to-day existence, and we hear the sound of lances breaking, we smell the dust and the sweat, and we see the great defeats and the fire in the eyes of the warriors. But we never see the delight, the immense delight in the hearts of those who are engaged in the battle. For them, neither victory nor defeat is important; what’s important is only that they are fighting the good fight”


“And finally, the third symptom of the passing of our dreams is peace. Life becomes as Sunday afternoon; we ask for nothing grand, and we crease to demand anything more than we are willing to give. In that state, we think of ourselves as being mature; we put aside the fantasies of our youth, and we seek personal and professional achievement.”

– Pilgrimage by Paulo Coelho

Asia Dreams Indonesia Life Milestone

Dimensi lain bernama Indonesia

25th January 2015 - 10 min read

23 Desember 2014

I will always remember this day. The day I met my love for the first time after 2 years being apart.
My holiday and everything occured before this meant nothing anymore compared to the excitement if seeing him.

22 Desember pukul 11.30 pagi tiba di Schiphol Amsterdam Airport dianter mbak Vicka, Dina dan Qila. Hari-hari sebelumnya entah kenapa, perasaan ragu dan cemas menyerang. Bukan, bukan karena soon ketemu Bendot (yang itu juga, tapi sudah berlalu heheh). Tapi karena takut pesawatnya kenapa-kenapa, takut nggak kembali ke darat lagi.. Lagi sering mikir aneh akhir-akhir itu tentang kematian. Masih belum siap…
Anyway sedih juga ninggalin mbak Vicka sama anak-anak kecil itu sendiri, but I have to, to see my beloved ones.

Setelah menempuh perjalanan panjang termasuk transit di Dubai, 18 jam in total, akhirnya sampai juga di Soekarno Hatta.. Lega! 
Begitu sampai bandara, udah nggak sempat deg-degan karena harus antre imigrasi dll. Setelah sukses ngelewatin meja imigrasi dan muka petugas yang sama sekali ngga ada ramah-ramahnya, saya baru mulai agak deg-degan tapi berusaha menutupi dengam menyibukkan diri, ambil trolley, ambil bagasi, tunggu bagasi, ke toilet, dll.
Terima i-message dari bendot, dia bilang sudah sampai, ditunggu di terminal kedatangan. Oh no! And then telling myself, bring it on! I am so ready to see you….. (Padahal keringet dingin!)

And there he is.. Came saying “hi”….. This is surreal……… Too unreal to digest.
He hugged me for a little bit. Not sure if it’s a dream or reality… After all, he’s a form of 3 dimensions hahahah It’s just very hard to believe that he’s just there next to me looking at me with his bare eyes (with glasses ding 😛). I watched him sliding away my trolley as he goes, it’s just so strange……. I forgot about love I’ve been feeling for 2 years. I was just busy swallowing reality that we were in no distance, for onc, finally.

We went on a plane together, side-by-side, for the first time. Then, it started to feel right.. He’s one patience person. Whilst I might be a little too mean for him, since I don’t really have patience. But believe me honey, I am trying 🙂

After flying for 60mins, we touched down Juanda where I met his father for the first time. Awkwardddddddd tapi berusaha menutupinya dengan kecerewatanku yang sedikit banyak memang mempesona itu haha sok akrab ceritanya.

Every single day I spent my time with him was well-spent, finally met each other’s family. I felt very content. I havent felt as much of a home as that time, really. All my anxiety and fear of dissapointment formed by assumptions in long distance relationship are gone.. Not instantly ofcourse, but after everything got digested better, I understand better, then I realize he’s the one I’ve been looking for.. He’s the one I thought who he was. When he started speaking his fun trivia, I just shutted, listened carefully and paid attention to his glowing face sparkling eyes when talking his things. Sometimes or many times, I was drown in my own thoughts while looking at his happy face. There! There is my happiness.. My home, it felt just right… It just is. No reasons, unexplainable.
Cheesy, I know !

Ok go to my journey in Indonesia, day went by, and time for Derawan Island – Borneo. I have been dreaming to be in a paradise like this. This is the holiday I have been thinking about, relaxing, engaging with locals, eating food that was naturally caught by the indigenous, plus all in all, I got to snorkel to explore underwater life. I was lucky enough to find Manta Ray on the way, it’s humongous, it tickled me a little bit, I mean in a fear way. But I was proud of myself that I did it! It was the first time for me, thus there are a little feeling of the biggest fear in the planet. Fear of the unknown. I swam along with a very beautiful no-harm-sting jellyfish, the color is pink, it’s a huge experience. This only exist in 2-3 places in the world, as far as I know is in Palau, Thailand and Kakaban, Indonesia. I consider myself pretty lucky.


Getting into this island, I felt timeless, I lost time. Even the New Year was approaching, the feeling was different than in a big city where I come from. No crowds, no traffic jam, only bunch of modest people who were trying to enjoy the year turning by holding karaoke event and releasing the lanterns. BEAUTIFUL.
But then I went back to my room.. nothing special. What was so special is that I noticed that I had scratched down more things from my resolutions list of 2014 all at once which I am forever grateful.
They are:
– Travelling to Indonesia
– Snorkel
– Went to Kalimantan (it was Sulawesi on my initial resolutions, but hey why does it matter?)
– New Year’s eve with beloved
– Make a single cover with Bendot

– Visiting my love in Bandung 
– Not coming back to Indonesia for good! They extended my contract
– Get to meet each other parents
– Take my parents on a short holiday

Ah nothing I can be more grateful for really..
“Grateful forms happiness from within – MS”


Continue to the Derawan story…..
So everything was smooth until our time to return from Derawan to Tarakan (the bigger island where the airport is). We went on the speed boat when the sun was up, seemed to be a good day although it was raining in the morning. I was a little bit worried, because the cloud looked gloomy on the other side. But who am I to judge.Of course the boat captain is more experienced and has a capacity to judge.
So we got off and started our sea journey by little speed boat.
I had a bad feeling since the beginning, and it proved by the shut down of the engine because one of the essential part did not work properly. Ok at that time I just hoped that the weather would stay all nice the whole time…….. Anyway the boat could still continue with imperfect part of the engine. So we went on..
Couple of minutes later, all of the sudden, the grey cloud came to our way, rain came down, wave started going wild and our boat could be flipped by any time especially if the boat engine shutted again in the middle.
Eye visibility is only in 10 meters radius and there was no one on the ocean, not that could see of. It’s nerve wrecking for everybody on this little boat..
At that very moment, I thought that my life could be taken at any time.. in 5 mins, 10 mins, so on. I felt very small looking at the sea. Everywhere is overlay of moving water.
This feeling should have been always in human’s heart, we are nothing…. We are all only visitors in the planet called earth..
We also ran out of gas because the ride was bumpy and rough. The usual speed boat ride time is 2 hours, but it took 6 hours in total. At the end we all (wetly) and gratefully survived.
But this near to death experience has opened my eyes wider to be savvy optimizing times I have left in this world, because I realize I will never know when I die.
After that, I just cant stop to have the mindset of ‘Carpe diem’ which could be interpreted in any ways, but for me, I will use it for being happy all the time, grateful, and do what He obligates.  

You Only Live Once (YOLO), use it wisely – MS 🙂

To be continued……


Life Milestone Quotes Thoughts

The power of ‘pasrah’ (it’s a gift for you, mom and dad!)

26th January 2014 - 8 min read

One of my ways to make me feel better when I am down or to make me even happier when I am in ‘okay’ mode,besides chocolate & cake, is to write down 10 positive things (from the smallest thing, because there’s always a reason to smile) occur in each day. By far, it has always succeeded in putting a smile into my face as it brings positivity into my (-) mind..

Dan sekarang ini saya sedang menulis hal yang sama dari hari ke hari.. hal yang nggak bisa berhenti mengembangkan senyum di hati saya (di wajah sih selalu senyum, tapi di hati kan belum tentu :p) karenaaaa….. (Alhamdulillah!!!) akhirnya setelah pencarian yang tak henti-henti dan tak kunjung datang, saya mendapatkan berita gembiraaaaa bahwa saya mendapat pekerjaan di Belanda. Puji syukur, sujud syukur banget sama Sang pencipta. Susah rasanya untuk percaya kalau tawaran itu memang nyata. Saat saya ditelpon pun saya hanya bisa bengong. Jadi ceritanya Rabu siang tanggal 22 Januari, saya bangun dari tidur siang dan menemukan voicemail di HP saya, ternyata dari orang HR (human resource) PVH. Intinya dia bilang, please call me back.. Setelah komat-kamit dan mengucap bismillah supaya bahasa inggris saya lancar saat bicara (hahaha), karena sama sekali tidak tahu harus mengharap apa dari telepon itu (setelah beberapah hari lalu baru ditolak), saya hanya bertanya-tanya akan mengarah kemana gerangan akhir dari telepon itu.
Dia pun mengangkat dan berbasa basi sebentar dari seberang sana. Dia bilang ‘Congratulations, they’ve decided to offer you the job to be a merchandise coordinator for Tommy Hilfiger’. Yang seberang sini cuma diem beberapa detik lalu… ‘Sorry, can you maybe repeat it again? I am afraid I took it the wrong way.’ hahah dan dia pun ketawa…. Dan memang benar it goes without saying kalau maksudnya adalah penawaran kerja. Alhamdulillahhhhhhh… And it’s Tommy Hilfiger (TH)… believe it or not, since the beginning I jumped myself into fashion industry, I knew, I wanted to work for Tommy Hilfiger (somehow)… While I was working at Mexx as an intern, people often asked me “what’s next / what would you do after”. I said, I wanna be an intern at Tommy Hilfiger… But, the destiny brought me into a different place where I had no regret to be once part of the team (CK) which actually under the same umbrella as TH. I got to know the people, company culture and working environment, and I just fell in love. I think He secretly has planned all of these as a preparation for me to be someday working there. And He proves it right 🙂 I am very very much glad of what’s been written by Him 🙂
Beberapa hari lalu baru close deal.. Semoga smua lancar dan mereka happy dengan performance saya. Aamiin…

Sebenarnya saya mengira posisi itu sudah hilang dan saya tidak berharap untuk mendengar feedback dari mereka karena sudah lewat sebulan. Tapi things indeed come when you least expect it and when you surrender. Itu terbukti banget……. Alhamdulillah
And it really happened at the right time (just like my dream was), I wanted to get a job at least when my mom or both mom&dad are here.. Voila… It’s just granted like that. I really owe Him big time 😀

What I was feeling at that moment? Light… Rasanya saya berada di awang-awang, terutama setelah saya mendapat kabar tentang undangan interview dari beberapa perusahaan lain, yang di tengah-tengah terpaksa harus saya putus prosesnya. Rasanya usaha-usaha saya paid off.. Kembali ke perasaan light, memang benar ya kata-kata ‘we have to keep ourselves grounded’. Karena seriously, when good things keep coming to your life, it’s when you really need to be worried. Why? Itu cobaan paling serius untuk manusia, saat dia merasa comfort, senang, dan bangga.. Manusia jadi mudah untuk merasa sombong, lupa bersyukur dan lupa berbagi, jadinya ‘kedunyan’. Semoga saya dijauhkan dari sifat-sifat seperti itu. Aamiinn

Saya tidak bisa berhenti bersyukur padaNya…. Janji Dia memang tidak pernah Dia ingkari. Saya merasa ini adalah buah dari kerja keras dan do’a-do’a saya (yang tidak akan ada artinya jika tidak dibantu dengan doa orang tua). Memang jalan rejeki masing-masing sudah dituliskan, tapi bagaimana cara kita mencapainya dan sekeras apa usaha kita untuk menuju kesana 100% ada di tangan kita. Saya pun sadar betul akan hal itu…. Pada akhirnya usaha dan hasil akan berbanding lurus… Hanya waktunya saja yang dirahasiakan…
Memang mudah untuk berbicara, tapi tidak mudah jika seseorang harus dihadapkan pada kondisi harus menunggu…. menunggu apapun adalah hal yang paling menyebalkan, terutama menunggu nasib HAHAHA
Tapi dalam tahapan menunggu itu, banyak sekali hal yang (harusnya) bisa kita dapat.. Kurasa memang si Pencipta menyiapkan mental saya untuk bisa lebih bijaksana menghadapi sesuatu, menjadi penyabar, dan tidak pantang menyerah. Mungkin kemarin-kemarin ini saya dimudahkan jalannya untuk mendapat yang saya inginkan, tapi tidak dengan mendapatkan kerja.. Mungkin kata Tuhan, saya belum siap.
Saya sangat struggle pada prosesnya, terutama mengetahui satu per satu teman saya sudah mulai dihire oleh perusahaan-perusahaan ternama. Kapan giliran saya ya? The best mantra is, the best is yet to come and all is well. Dan yang terjadi pasti yang terbaik…

Jika Juni 2013 setelah lulus, saya langsung mendapat kerja, kemungkinan saya tidak akan sebegitu menghargai dan se-bersyukur ini. Terkadang, memang manusia harus diingatkan untuk kembali pada jalan yang benar.. Untuk meminta dan mendekat padaNya.. Itu juga yang saya lakukan, bukan hanya alasan agar mendapat kerja. Tapi hasil dari introspeksi diri saya (yang akhir-akhir ini sering saya lakukan) mengatakan, ada alasan mengapa Allah menuliskan jalan hidup saya seperti ini. Bapak saya berkali-kali mengingatkan ‘selalu berbaik sangka kepadaNya’, jadi instead of saya menyalahkan Allah dengan hasil reject-an yang berkali-kali saya terima dalam 6 bulan proses pencarian kerja, saya pun mencari kekurangan dari diri saya (yang membuat saya lebih mengenal diri saya lagi, dan menjadi orang yang lebih baik karena saya tidak berhenti belajar). Dan kekurangan itu ada banyak sekaliiiiiiiiiii….

In the bottom line, saya selalu berkata ‘mungkin memang bukan jodohnya dan belum rejekinya’. Yang terbaik lagi menunggu kedatangan kita di ujung jalan. Butuh banyak usaha dan keringat untuk saya sebagai traveller mencapai titik itu. Daripada saya ngebut tapi babak belur saat sampai tujuan, mending saya pelan-pelan tapi non stop dan bijaksana memilih jalan. Alhamdulillah memang itu yang terjadi…. Hingga akhirnya saya ikhlas dan mengikuti jalur yang membawa saya hingga ke garis ini atas tuntunanNya..

Tidak ada yang tidak mungkin kok… Kalau kita determined enough untuk memiliki cita-cita, berusaha keras untuk mewujudkannya, dan berpasrah padaNya, Insya Allah akan diberi jalan. Ikhitar dan Tawakkal kuncinya…

Tapi travelling saya di dunia belum selesai karena masih banyak lagi yang ingin dan harus saya capai.. masih panjang bentang jalan yang harus dilalui dan pemberhentian yang harus didatangi. Saya nggak sabarrrrr untuk take the ride and feel the bumpy road… 😀 untuk melihat kejutan-kejutan apa yang ada disana…

For me, it’s a milestone… A milestone that gets me one step closer to my dream.. my wild dreams.

ps. It’s for you, mom and dad! I hope I’ll bring happiness in your life by being a child you wanted me to be and a child who can bring smiles to other people. Someday, somehow
Feeling good to already scratch one of this year’s resolutions 🙂 Alhamdulillah..

Dreams Life Thoughts

Being in 20 something

17th January 2014 - 8 min read

I am 22… And this year on August, I will turn 23.
Gosh! How time flies… Back in the New year’s Eve, bunch of friends and I were spending the night at good friends of ours. There was a rare thing happened to me. When my friends and all the people (including all of them on RTL news channel on TV) started counting down, suddenly it felt like a flash of a camera, I could not hear their loud voices anymore. I was feeling lonely…. though I am certainly not. I went flashback to all the past events, to everything I HAVEN’T DONE last year and I felt numb. It is just like yesterday I flew for the first time to the Netherlands, started going to classes and meeting new people. It seems like yesterday I enjoyed the very same moment with friends; NYE. It seems like yesterday I graduated…
Hold on!!!! Why in english??? let’s switchhhh…

Test test… intermezzo sedikit.
Salah satu kendala hidup saya di muka bumi ini adalah bahasa. Gak bakat kayanya jadi polyglot… Kemampuan saya dalam menangkap verbal bahasa memang minim. Saya orang indonesia yang tidak beresidensial di Indonesia, sehari-hari berkomunikasi dengan bahasa inggris, tetapi selalu mendengar percakapan orang-orang di sekitar saya yang berbahasa Belanda. Nah loh?! Berarti jago dong ketiga bahasa itu? Yak, kesimpulan yang kurang tepat! HAHAHA Malah kemampuan saya berbahasa ibu (Indonesia) menurun drastis, kemampuan bahasa inggris meningkat, tapi tidak bisa mencapai tingkat native, kemampuan dutch 0.5 dari 10. Alhasil, saya selalu tanpa sengaja mencampur-campur bahasa dan suka bingung sendiri sama apa yang saya mau bilang. Jadi, excuse in advance…hehe Anyway, melanjutkan prolog di atas….

Saat itu saya mengucap syukur dalam hati, tapi saya belum cukup merasa konten.. Karena terlalu banyak hal-hal yang masih belum saya capai di umur saya ini. Bisa dibilang saya melalu metamorfosa yang cukup signifikan dari tahun ke tahun. Dan yang paling terlihat adalah saat saya ada di akhir tahun 2012 hingga tahun 2013, it was magical experiences.. 2012 akhir saya banyak berkontemplasi, merenung dan retrospeksi atas diri saya selama ini. Panjang perjalanannya yang akhirnya membawa saya ke THE BRIGHTER 2013. Saya memulai awal tahun 2013 dengan cukup remarkable 😛 Saya bertiga dengan sahabat-sahabat saya berpartisipasi dalam acara tahunan Belanda, New Year’s Dive in Scheveningen. Bisa bayangkan temperatur minus pada saat itu dan harus berbaju renang berlari-larian di pantai. Hahahaha orang bilang kita gila. Tapi saya hanya ingin memulai tahun itu dengan keberanian, berharap saya jadi orang yang tidak takut dalam menghadapi keadaan apapun dan tidak takut untuk bermimpi besar. Saya membuat resolusi bersama teman saya yang saya kenal dekat pada pertengahan 2012, Wulan namanya. We call each other soul sisters :p Alhamdulillah, banyak dari resolusi simpel saya tercapai, tapi ada juga yang tidak…. Tandanya, saya harus lebih berani dalam bermimpi, lebih gila, lebih S.M.A.R.T istilahnya.

1 January 2014, 00.00.
Saya merasa sangat sepi… The perfect form of solitude in the crowd. Saya somewhat memiliki ketakutan tersendiri.. Saya masih belum mendapat secure monthly income, belum bisa membanggakan kedua orang tua. Saya tidak ingin membuang-buang waktu di umur saya ini. Masih banyak mimpi-mimpi yang ingin direalisasikan. Saya ingin seproduktif dan seefektif mungkin dalam menggunakan waktu saya yang tidak pernah diketahui akan berapa lama, tapi apakah iya kita bisa melukis garis tangan?
Ahhh pusing rasanya kalau mendaftar deretan panjang hal yang belum saya lakukan. Tapi on the other hand, saya merasa teramat sangat beruntung. Karena, saya mempunyai kesempatan yang tidak semua orang bisa rasakan, hidup di luar negeri, menjadi pribadi yang mandiri, dan dapat melihat dunia dari kacamata yang berbeda. Saya juga bersyukur bisa tumbuh di abad 20 sekarang ini dimana pembelajaran dapat dilakukan dimana saja kapan saja oleh device apa saja.
Di saat teman-teman sudah mulai bimbang tentang pilihan menikah, sudah ada yang mempersiapkan perkawinan dan wedding dress, saya masih leyeh-leyeh memikirkan besok mau makan apa, mau kemana tujuan liburan selanjutnya, gimana mengumpulkan uang, gimana caranya kalau mau volunteer. Masih ingin travelling dan melihat dunia… Bagi saya menikah adalah sangat esensial, terutama melihat beberapa orang di lingkungan saya yang berpisah, saya tidak ingin seperti mereka. Harus ada bahan untuk saya mengevaluasi diri saya sebagai pasangan yang baik nantinya. Once we get married, we married for life. Saya nggak mau menikah hanya karena umur yang cukup, tapi menikah karena saya yakin kami dapat saling membahagiakan dan menghargai selamanya. 
Usia 20an…. usia paling kritis dalam pembenahan dan membangun diri. Saatnya memiliki ideologi diri untuk mempersiapkan hal-hal dalam hidup yang akan kita pilih nantinya. Waktunya untuk keluar dari comfort zone (yang mungkin sebenarnya juga gak comfort-comfort amat). Karena setelah itu, akan ada komitmen2 yang harus dipenuhi, tuntutan untuk berkeluarga dan komitmen yang harus dibina setelahnya. Saya ingin jika saya harus berkomitmen, saya akan benar to the fullest 🙂  Si ‘sahabat’ untungnya tidak tinggal berdekatan dengan saya (bahasa gaulnya, LDR), sehingga kami bisa memiliki 2 dunia yang berbeda, bisa tetap punya hidup masing-masing. Sama-sama mengerti bahwa at the end of the day, we have each other. Tidak ada tanggungan untuk keluar ke cafe/mall, pergi nonton, yang pada akhirnya menuntut kami untuk menjadi ‘attach’. Jika sudah ada keharusan untuk bertemu setiap hari, untuk saya personally akan susah untuk mengembangkan diri *pengalaman pribadi* hehe bukan berarti semua orang akan begitu, tapi saya tahu saya tidak mampu. And again, I think it is the perfect age to struggle.. those things are few of them. Nothing worth having comes easy.

Pengen banget nabungggg, jadi saat saya kembali ke tanah kelahiran, saya sudah bisa memberi kembali ke orang-orang yang berjasa di kehidupan saya (keluarga, terutama orang tua).
Pengen ambil studi master somewhere, pengen volunteer, bikin bisnis sendiri, bikin foundation kecil atau sekolah atau activity for goodwills. Aamiinnn…..
Pada akhirnya yang dicari adalah kebahagiaan.. dan yang paling mengerti dimana kebahagiaan itu adalah diri kita sendiri. Terkadang being obsessive pada diri sendiri memang penting, pun optimis. Tapi yang paling penting adalah alasan dibalik itu semua, kata Wulan, good whys will lead you to good ways.. Kalau alesan saya sih, ingin membuat diri saya happy dan nggak mati percuma hehehehe saya ingin sekali bermanfaat tidak hanya bagi saya dan keluarga, tapi juga orang-orang disekililing. Mudah-mudah bisa tercapai..
Kata Einsten dan bapak saya dream+believe=magic.. kata saya, dream+believe+usaha=happiness 🙂 and most importantly, stop complaining… Whatever negative things you’ve ever thought, you put a seed on it to be happening. Nooooooooo…..
Let’s pursue our happiness kaya judul film-nya Bang Will Smith, Pursuit of Happiness…

A little journey throughout the year:
up-left: Piazza de Espagna, Rome-Italy
up-right: Color Run, Zwolle-NL
below-left: Jewish Statues, Berlin-Germany
below-right: Colloseum, Rome-Italy


Dreams Life Milestone Resolutions Thoughts

Welcome 2012

31st December 2011 - 3 min read

It’s 10.30 pm, meaning it’s 1.5 hours to 2012!
How excited is that.
Eventhough I celebrate mine from inside the hotel, got sick, I’m happy nevertheless. I thank God to let me have a time with my family surrounded. What’s happier than being around beloved ones? that’s the true happiness.

I was planning to embrace this new year’s vibe underneath Galata bridge by having some seafood with family. But truth is, they are all now laying in bed sleeping and snoring LOL! I will have to force them to wake up!

Looking back throughout 2011. I guess, I can not be really satisfied with all I am getting and have got until this second I breath. There are things that I still need to pursue!! like millions of them.
Nonetheless, loads of things have changed and grown. I, myself turn to 20’s age and attempting hardly in being more mature than ever. I wish I have become those kind of person by this time and will keep trying.

Let’s reveal my resolution for next year. I could say as simple as to be a better person and that’s it. But there will be no achievement without clear details of objectives and dreams. Hence, there you go…

– Keep grounded
– More engaged with the Almighty
– Giving and sharing to whom in need
– Get a part time job in my fave stores in The Hague city center (COS)
– Be smoothly passing through all challenges ahead (career, love, study), certainly equipped by endeavours
– Save up for next trips
– A trip to ITALY!!!!
– Nurture my skills, spread worldwide (I wish!), and working on it
– Be more environmental friendly!!! reduce my use of plastic bags and water… it’s essentially valuable
– Be happier, less whining and worrying
– Read more books and histories of regions in the world
– Learn Dutch !!!!

Qila says ‘eppi Nyu Yir’

Let’s scratch and see what will I achieve by the end of 2012 🙂
Have a fabulous year ahead for everyone !!!
Much loveeeee