Love life Wedding Series

Save the date !

2nd March 2016 - 3 min read


Here is our save the date

The video was taken in Iceland when we had our first trip ever. Before we met, we both dreamt to watch aurora. (Weird right?)  Yes we got the chance to witness this spectacular earth show together.
The different in our backgrounds when we are walking depict how we separately had been through so much. Little did we know, we were prepared to meet each other at one point. When we were both ready… It does not need to take that long until we are sure and want to start our life together. And that video is the beginning to get us there…

Hampir semua teman-teman saya terkaget-kaget dengan keputusan saya untuk menikah. Kata mereka, cepat sekali? kenapa buru-buru? dan berbagai macam pertanyaan lainnya. Dulu saya sempat berpikir untuk menikah umur 27-29 karena saya masih ingin keliling dunia tanpa beban, berputar-putar membuat kesalahan tanpa perlu membagi resiko, yang mungkin terjadi, kepada orang lain. Tetapi saat saya bertemu Damar beberapa bulan lalu, pikiran itu berubah seketika. Tidak ada yang saya inginkan selain hidup bersama, memulai keluarga dan berjuang mengejar mimpi bersama, keliling dunia bersama dan membuat kesalahan bersama 🙂

I do not think it’s fast if I have slowed down to choose the right one the entire 24 years time of my life. It’s not in a rush if I have rode the bumpy road to get me where I always want to go.

I want to go home.. I want to go to who/where is worth going home to.

I want to go anywhere, everywhere possible while feeling like home all the time. Because home is just alongside, in distance of an easy reach.

I always believe He has given me pen-paper and guided me to draw the most beautiful story in life. I believe that it’s both faith and hardship that could get me here.

Yes, I’ve recently found my home. The most weird and ,at the same time, beautiful story I could ever think of.

I am a lucky woman to get a man of my dream, but luck will not be there if I did not give it a chance by understanding and listening to my very self. Luck will not be there if I was not ready to see the opportunity and luck will surely not be there if I did not have belief.

Please share our happiness and joy 🙂

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    Reply Senja Clara 11th March 2016 at 3:59 am

    sweet sekaliiiiiiii…. ♥
    jangan lupa undangannya buat yang di Gresik

    • Reply Maurilla Imron 11th March 2016 at 7:52 am

      Makasiii Senjaaaa 🙂 🙂 doanya yaaa

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