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indonesian abroad

Zero Waste Journey

Easy Ingredients Homemade Cleaner

9th March 2018 - 4 min read

Topik kali ini tujuan awalnya bukan karena saya mau ngurangin sampah, tapi lebih ke arah untuk kesehatan dan kepraktisan. Di supermarket bisa ada satu aisle sendiri yang isinya penuh dengan macam-macam tipe pembersih. Dulunya kami juga memiliki hampir semua di rumah, dari pembersih toilet, pembersih dapur, pembersih kamar mandi, dll. Yang ternyata pembersih-pembersih itu isinya kebanyakan toxic dan yang satu dengan lainnya hampir mirip-mirip. Setelah baca-baca, isinya bisa menyebabkan berbagai masalah kesehatan (pernapasan, iritasi kulit, masalah reproduksi, kerusakan sistem saraf, dll). Idealnya si apapun yang kita pakai disekitar kita itu paling nggak sesuatu yang kita nyaman dan juga aman untuk dikonsumsi. Bahan-bahan dasar yang diperlukan ini bisa ditemukan di lemari dapur kita lho, jadi pasti aman.

Ceritanya, sudah sekitar 2 tahun kami berpindah dari berbagai macam produk bersih-bersih konvensional yang ada di supermarket. Setelah lebih mindful bikin sampah, dipikir-pikir kebiasaan ini juga sangat paralel dengan konsep zero waste. Walaupun sebenernya juga nggak 100% zerowaste karena masih perlu botol dari vinegar (juga essential oil – optional), tapi perbandingannya lumayan signifikan dengan membeli satu persatu pembersih secara khusus. Dari 4-5 macam botol berisi cairan keras untuk tujuan yang berbeda-beda, jadi hanya 1.

Kunci dari nontoxic homemade cleaner ini adalah vinegar. Pasti sering denger ya karena emang sering banget muncul di video-video lifehack di sosial media. Dan emang nggak hoax sama sekali. Bahan ini ajaib sih menurut saya. Vinegar ini fungsinya banyak banget, termasuk stain remover, fabric softener, juga untuk bersihin kaca. Setelah pakai ini, secara otomatis saya ngerasa nggak nyari lagi pakain pembersih-pembersih yang kami miliki sebelumnya. Dan nggak perlu takut tangan kasar atau kering atau susah nafas waktu lagi bersihin kamar mandi. Downside-nya sih baunya memang agak kenceng, khas vinegar gitu kecut-kecut gimana, tapi dianginin dikit juga cepet ilang. Salah satu cara mengurangi bau kenceng vinegar adalah ditambah esensial oil dan/atau vinegar yang udah di-infuse dengan sisa kulit jeruk/lemon/limau. Yes, sisa kulit jeruk yang habis kita makan isinya, bisa berguna buat bikin aroma.

Btw, be careful using it on marble and granite because the acidity of the vinegar eats away at the surface of it.


3 Ingredients Homemade Cleaner 3 Ingredients Homemade Cleaner 3 Ingredients Homemade Cleaner

All purpose cleaner

  • Air
  • (Distilled) white vinegar (infuse with orange zest 1-2 weeks – optional)
  • Scented essential oil (optional)

Air: white vinegar= 1:1

Window cleaner

  • 1 sdm cornstarch
  • 60 ml (distilled) vinegar (infuse with orange zest 1-2 weeks – optional)
  • 30 ml alcohol
  • 250 ml of hot tap water or distilled water

Metal or rust cleaner

All purpose cleaner + baking soda


1.  Menjauhkan toxic dari hidup kita

Can you even read the below ingredients? ….. EXACTLY

propylene glycol
2 Hexoxyethanol
Ammonium Hydroxide
Mirapol Surf S-210
Viden EGM
Sodium C14-17 Sec-Alkyl Sulfonat
Fragrance Palette
Liquitint Sky Blue Dye

2. Less waste

Karena ngurangin plastik dan kemasan-kemasan yang nggak perlu karena biasanya pembersih komersial di-pack di botol plastik

3. Hemat

Bisa banget nabung dari uang yang biasa dibelanjakan untuk beli 5 macam pembersih komersial. Heheheehe

Zero waste cleaning tips (from Lauren Singer):

  • Clean frequently – you don’t need heavy cleaners like bleach if you’re diligent with cleaning your home consistently with your nontoxic cleaner.
  • Use rags, cut up old t-shirts and reusable cleaning towels instead of paper towels.
Life Resolutions Self growth

Resolusi tahun 2018 saya

31st December 2017 - 4 min read

Tiba saatnya saya menulis secara detail apa-apa aja yang pengen saya capai di tahun depan. I am so ready to embrace new year! This year, the theme will be BE BOLD, jadi apa yang saya tulis akan revolve around it. Di keseharian saya, saya akan selalu ingat kata itu BE BOLD. Keep the theme simple to remember. One to 3 words are fine.

  1.  Menginspirasi lebih banyak orang

Cara yang saya ingin lakukan adalah menulis blog lebih sering lagi dengan topik #selfgrowth. Dua blog tiap minggu.

      2. Belajar hal baru

  • Saya pengen banget belajar lebih banyak soal Ayurveda (mind-body health system). Dari sini saya akan mendapat lebih banyak insight untuk lebih mengerti tubuh saya dan apa yang baik untuk tubuh saya. Jadi antara saya akan mengambil course atau subscribe Sahara Rose di bulan Januari dan akan menyelesaikannya selama 1 bulan. Check it out, it’s so interesting! Januari
  • Ambil tes DNA dan belajar soal ancestor di dalam DNA saya. Yang saya tahu, saya 100% orang Indonesia, begitupun keluarga di atas-atas saya yang saya tahu. Tapi setelah baca buku sapiens, saya jadi intrigued akan apa yang sebenarnya ada di DNA saya, karena sebenaranya semuanya berkaitan. Saya yakin ada sekian persen African di DNA saya (dan seluruh orang di dunia). Kalau kalian juga tertarik, coba cek siniFebruari
  • Cryptocurrency Maret
  • Explore more the DIY of natural products. Bisa bikin body scrub sendiri dan deodorant roll-on.  Januari-Maret
  • dll which will come

      3. Expand ALAMI Naturals ( and find wholesalers. Open pop up store.

      4. Have a slow morning and commit to it

Keseharian yang sudah dimulai 3 bulan lalu tapi nggak selau masih hangat-hangat tai ayam, pengen lebih dikomitin lagi. SETIAP HARI khususnya week days! Tidur jam 11 maksimal bangun tidur jam 7 pagi -> Gratitude journal-> minum air putih dan a shot of apple cidar vinegar -> keluarin frozen fruits biasanya bahan untuk breakfast -> Yoga/HIIT -> Meditasi -> Write to do list dan intention of the day -> Mandi -> sholat -> siap-siap berangkat ke kantor

      5. Khatam terjemahan  di bulan Januari

      6. Pilgrimage (insha Allah aaamiinn)

      7. Takes time untuk sholat di kantor

      8. Tilawah setiap hari, belajar tajwid dan membaca dengan indah

      9. Sholat dhuha in the weekend! No reason not to! Harus hapal surah dhuha lagi

      10. Baca hardcover book, 10 pages a day and keep listening to audible (one book one month)

      11. Maximum 1 hour spent on the phone (track it with an app)

     12. Live towards green and zero waste 

  • Use Ecosia as browser
  • No plastic use for fruits and other materials in the supermarket or market
  • Shop 2nd hands
  • Makan daging merah maksimal 1x seminggu, daging putih 3x seminggu
  • Replace plastic wrap to compostable sustainable food wrap
  • Trying out menstrual cup (omg omg omg) will buy tonight. Let’s seee!
  • ALWAYS separate trash! 
  • No use plastic utensil, bawa sendiri dari rumah
  • Ngurangin pemakaian air

     13. GARDENING! HEHE summer nanti pengen nanam makanan sendiri di teras.

     14. Say more thank you than sorry.

Contohnya: Kalau telat, instead of bilang maaf aku telat, bilang terima kasih sudah nunggu, etc. Or say both actually. Say more thank yous!

     15. Walk my talk and my value. Keep on asking myself if what I do is parallel with my value.

This list will keep on and on… I’ll keep on adding it 🙂


Hidup Minimalis Self growth

Konsep hidup minimalis dan Tips beberes ala Marie Kondo

26th November 2017 - 3 min read

Sekitar 3 tahun yang lalu saya pertama kali denger soal konsep ‘minimalisme’ dari kakak saya. Dia nggak sengaja ketemu TED Talk dua orang Amerika yang menyebut diri mereka ‘The Minimalists’. Ternyata mereka merupakan pioner yang menyebarkan konsep minimalisme di Amerika dan akhirnya di dunia. Lewat blog dan TED Talk-nya,  Mereka sukses mengispirasi banyak banget orang untuk belajar lebih jauh lagi soal minimalisme dan bahkan mengaplikasikan konsep itu ke hidup mereka.

Sejak kecil Bapak saya selalu ngajarin saya dan kakak-kakak saya untuk menjadi manusia sederhana yang tidak berlebih-lebihan, jadi sebenarnya konsep itu bukan hal yang baru bagi saya. Bukan dalam hal berminimalisme-nya tapi dalam hal untuk tidak meletakkan materialisme di atas hal-hal lainnya yang lebih bersubstansi. Saat jaman kuliah dulu saya belum mampu mengaplikasikannya secara drastis, mungkin karena saya masih terlalu naif untuk bisa memprioritaskan mana yang berarti untuk hidup saya. Jadi yang saya lakukan ya secukupnya (yang menurut saya saat itu sudah terhitung drastis), dan saya mulai beberes saat kamar/rumah sudah terlihat berantakan. Biasanya masih ada rasa sayang untuk membuang barang-barang yang ‘berarti’ misalnya baju-baju hadiah, baju yang saya beli mahal (tapi cuma dipakai sekali dua kali), dan lain-lain. Yang bikin saya heran, rapihnya itu bener-bener cuma sesaat dan in no time kamar/rumah saya mulai berantakan lagi.

Sampai akhirnya saya baca buku (rekomendasi dari mas Nicko, kakak saya) yang ditulis oleh Marie Kondo berjudul ‘The Life-changing Magic of Tidying up’.  Ada beberapa point yang saya serap dan sampai sekarang masih ada di kepala saya. Yeslong story short, her method works in my life!

  • Sekali declutter, kita nggak akan perlu untuk declutter lagi
  • Konsep untuk hanya menyimpan barang yang Spark joy. Ini relatif berbeda-beda pastinya setiap orang, tapi pada saat kita menerapkan metode KonMari, kita jadi membiasakan diri untuk menggunakan intuisi dan mendengar mana hal-hal yang penting untuk kehidupan kita. Remember untuk ‘put quality over quantity’
  • Buat 3 kategori saat beberes: untuk disimpan, untuk dipikirkan dan untuk dibuang/didonasikan. Beri 3 bulan untuk kategori ‘untuk dipikirkan’, setelah 3 bulan dan barang itu masih nggak dipakai dan nggak direncanakan untuk dipakai, barang itu harus dibuang/didonasikan.
  • Think “why should I keep this?” instead of “what should I get rid of?”

Berikut ini manfaat-manfaat dari hidup minimalisme/sederhana/secukupnya

  • Clear mind
  • Eliminate our discontent
  • Reclaim our time
  • Live in the moment
  • Pursue our passions
  • Discover our missions
  • Experience real freedom
  • Create more, consume less
  • Focus on our health
  • Grow as individuals
  • Contribute beyond ourselves
  • Rid ourselves of excess stuff
  • Discover purpose in our lives


PDF clean up KonMari Method checklist (downloadable)


TED Talk:

KonMari Book Article:

Hidup di Belanda

Moving House in the Netherlands

14th November 2017 - 12 min read

It is now the 3rd month Damar and I have been living in our new apartment. Looking back at the moving period gives me some chill. It was a hard labor, I am telling you. Do not compare with moving in my hometown where it is quite easy to get help and cheaper labor. Basically we all can just pay some amount of rupiahs and get everything done. Everybody literally offers help even the neighbors. Whereas in here, labor is expensive and they have hourly rate in which if accumulated, will be a lot.  So we had to carefully plan the expense. As for help offer, it will only come to a super duper mega close friends, even that, usually they do not offer, we have to ask. So most of the times, we did nearly everything ourselves, from disassembling the furniture to clean up.

We did not move to different city by the way. We only moved from Amsterdam North to Amsterdam East.

Anyway generally, moving houses require a lot of preparation and endless planning, but there are some specifics to remember when moving in Netherlands. Below are a few tips and points on all that must be done


This is basically one of the first important steps to take. When you have the box, you may start packing the stuff that you do not use daily. We used moving boxes from GAMMA, just because when we visit the store, there was a 20% discount particularly on the moving boxes. This thing is worth checking (Gosh I have become so Dutch in this sense ;)). We were very lucky because 1 set (5 boxes) is 9.90 euro and we started by buying 2 sets. The dimension is 48x32x33 cm which is perfect. We had no complain with these moving boxes, it’s quite strong as long as you do not put books in one box. I found another alternatives (if GAMMA is not in discount) from which costs 0,90 per box with similar size as the one in GAMMA.

Image result for gamma verhuis box

Source: GAMMA

As we cleaned up and started packing, we noticed that we needed more boxes (obviously!). At the end, we ended up with 6 sets which makes to 30 boxes. If you are lucky, you can also get boxes deal from, some people resell their moving boxes. However, bear in mind that the condition is most probably not 100% and easier to perforate.

TIPS: Label your boxes with the content and category (the area it belongs). Put on the top AND on the side, you will thank yourself later. Ask the driver or whoever helps you moving to put in the room that is stated in the label. Call me weird, but I really love this part in general. Organizing is in my blood.

If you intend to sell some of your boxes after use, do not write on the box surface. Put stickers or paper+ tape on the box to allow you taking it off. It will not be as clean as new box, but people will not mind that.

I tried to utilize bags, luggage, baskets, and plastics (that we already have and can be re-used) as much as possible. After all, boxes are made of paper.



I am a ‘pro’ in doing this little by little. We did the packing and the clean up ourselves. In the Netherlands, you need to make sure that you leave the house as it was. We were lucky at least that we did not need to take out the laminat, otherwise it would be such a pain. No need to even re-paint, we only had to fill the wall part that got hammered. Thus, we thought we would manage to do this ourselves. Well apparently, they decided to still take a part from our deposit to hire cleaner. Duh. So make sure that you leave the house as perfect as possible. Usually the person from house agent or landlord will do inspection before key handover, though. We just did not really pay attention well in some part of the house, where they obviously have extra eyes.

Below are some of the ways to ‘clean up’ and filter your stuff:


Basically in every area in the Netherlands, there will be one designated day in a week or month when you can literally throw anything in front of your place. Find this information in gementee site in your are. The government will arrange the pick up with a huge car the next day. It looks like a tractor with a huge tongs to scrape the trashes. This was a huge help otherwise, we would have no idea how to get rid of those big trash-able things.

However, in Amsterdam-Noord where we used to live, the trash was only taken once a month (the last Friday of the week). And in our moving calendar, this day was quite early. So we had to not have stove for a week because we had to throw away (it does not function properly anymore, it’s not for selling material). You better keep this in mind for your planning. Because at least 2 days before that, everything had to be ready (disassemble, etc).

We were lucky because we got help from 2 guys (Damar’s friend) in the trash day. We lived on the 12th floor and we had to go back and forth to throw the things away. Our back was quite broken that day. We did everything just Damar, I and helps to carry of his 2 friends.

I was quite surprised though when there was a guy coming over and asked if we still have electronic stuff downstairs to throw away. Apparently there were some people who keep an eye on the trash day and waited to take things either for their own usage or to fix then re-sell. That guy turned to be helpful because he needed the stove and hence helping to carry. We did not know how to bring down due to its weight.


There is a platform like marktplaats to ease up the process of you selling the stuff. We filtered what we wanted to sell already 1-2 months before moving and started selling little by little. These days there are also a lot of selling page in facebook and usually it is very quick. You will always find buyers.

When the days get closer yet your stuff do not seem to make progression, you can offer for free (also to help out people and make them happy) in those platforms. They will pick up in a second. Or if you have a big chunk a of stuff or too lazy to go through, you can always contact the closest kringloop (second hand store), they will make profit out of it in their store in the future while you give them for free. It can be coming in handy when you are quite desperate to get rid of stuff 🙂


A day before the ‘moving day’, you can already start bringing the small manageable stuff to your new house. That is what we did which were very helpful. On the day of ‘moving day’ because the moving company is only booked for a couple of hours, car is beneficial to bring some extra stuff and let you mobile in going back and forth from old place to new place and vice versa. It is also super useful if you need to buy emergency kit and what not from hardware store.

MAKE APPOINTMENT WITH THE MOVING COMPANY AND MAKE DEAL ALREADY (also if you live in the high floor, arrange the moving lift, the parking permission, etc)

Find a recommended moving company that your friend has already used. Recommendation is important! I got this guy from my colleague and he was super muscular and handy. This is what is good to keep in mind; the moving guy will come and scan through all your stuff to map in his mind on how to arrange it in his truck. It will be beneficial for him if you already collect all your stuff in one area.

Tips: Get to know the person, speak on the phone or whatsapp and deal with prices. Give estimation of total boxes, the address you come from and to go to, and he’ll give approximate times.


Yay, on the moving day, my brother in law arrived from Indonesia. Together we could!


We tend to forget while it is one of the most essential things to take care of before moving. For the internet, it is best to notify the provider a month before moving. The provider will guide you through the procedure. For my provider telfort, they made us appointment for new connection installation in the new house. We need to bring the router to eventually return to the guy who comes to install.  For the energy (electricity and gas), we used essent and we could do all the steps in the customer login. For utilities, you need to check the last numbers in the meter cabinet and report to the provider.


Same with internet, it is at least a month in advance depending on the contract you make with your landlord. Don’t forget this one, otherwise you have to pay double rent 🙂

GOOD LUCK MOVING!! It was a fun journey.. but I do not think I want to do it again at least within 5 years from now.


Hidup di Belanda Milestone

Buying a house/apartment in Amsterdam

11th November 2017 - 11 min read

Damar and I have recently moved to our new house! Wooohoo! Alhamdulillah.. So happy!

We are relieved to finally get through the real struggle to get a house in Amsterdam. The house market is tremendously crazy at the moment due to the low interest. This situation creates a high price and competition. Sometimes I reminisced the house hunting time and we are very grateful that we are not in that situation no more. Yup, it is that crazy. But it is not a reason to give up!

The main reason for us to look for a house in Amsterdam is because it is close to our work as well as the demand. It is incredibly high that people just increase the price knowing there are always potential tenants or buyers somewhere. Although, there is such thing like buyer/tenant protections that do not allow seller sell in any price they wish. But the potential buyer would kill to buy a house in Amsterdam that they bid as crazy as they could. Hence, volatile house price. According to house prices in the capital have risen steadily since the end of 2013, with annual increases of up to 25%.

So there you go, hope it can be a good investment for our future. *Remembering about our nomade and working in a coworking space everywhere in the world plan gives me such a big smile*. We would like to rent out this house in the future for a passive income or simply sell it. Oh I guess we will see. Start easy Maurilla, you just got a house!

Anyway that is my main reason, other people want to settle their life in this capital city just because it’s simply beautiful. And it is a good idea, I am telling you!

Here are usually the reasons to buy a property in Amsterdam

  • Control over the property (design, decoration, pets, activities, etc)
  • Great financial incentives / tax benefits.
  • Can be a smart investment
  • Multicultural and big expat comunity

I want to share several tips to get you ready to the whole process. It can be quite exhausting yet you have to realize and keep on reminding yourself that it is worth the risk. Also, nothing worth having comes easy 😉  This does not only apply for Amsterdam but also other cities.

1. Check the estimation on how much you (or you and partner) can borrow from the bank

All bank has this mortgage calculation in their website, even Funda has. All you need to do is entering your income (and your partner) income. Note: Bank would prefer to lend their cash to indefinite contract owner employee, for most people intentional letter of indefinite contract extension will suffice too. And for business man, they need at least 2 years establishment and report from their accountant. This is something for the next step but good to keep in mind.

2. Browse through actively when you get the chance

Funda by far is the best resource to browse houses/apartments in the Netherlands. It is one leading website that always gets updated. Do a good filter in Funda, it might be quite confusing at first, but take your time and you will know that it is all what you need. Click ‘koop‘, put your city/neighborhood you prefer and your price range. To be really honest, I would suggest to only put city and see where the map (kaarttake you.

I think map layout is one of the best invention about this website. It shows you a clear overview of Amsterdam. And then on the left side you can filter more in detail, house type, number of rooms (this is always including living room, not only bedroom, so if you want 2 bedrooms, then search for 3 rooms). You can also search for the days when it has been advertised in Funda. We found this very helpful as well.

3. Act quickly

Due to its crazy competition in Amsterdam, a house can be sold in a few days or even in a day after put up. Call the numbers and be persistent!!

4. Real estate agent (in dutch aankoop makelaar) or not?

Damar and I did not use any aankoop makelaar because we simply don’t want to spend extra money. So far, we could get information we needed ourselves. It might not be in depth as if you have aankoop makelaar that has its eyes and access everywhere. However, there are a lot of ways to get all the information such as how much houses in that neighborhood sold in the past. You need that information to assure you bid decent amount of money. (link) is one of the websites you can use, for the one you need to pay is (link). You will have more visibility in details for the paid website. I think for each house info, you need to pay around 2 eur or something.

We did not come to a conclusion bluntly, we had some phone appointment with aankoop makelaar. There are 2 types of fee, fixed or percentage. The percentage is usually 1% from the house price, yet normally they have minimum amount. What it means by it, if the minimum is 2500 but the house price will result to less than 2500 in percentage, you still have to pay 2500. I hope that is clear?? But conclusion was, we do not want to spend that money and were willing to take risks in finding our ways.

However, other benefits for having aankoop makelaar are the priority to get the most up-to-date information. Sometimes the makelaar association get the first news on the houses that are on sales. It might be earlier than Funda. Also, for expats they are the bridge for communication and to minimize the risks on the seller side. The risk is hit and run, while if somebody comes with makelaar, normally they sort of know each other from the organization they represent, hence the trust. Some of my friends said the downside of having it is that it is very hard to match schedules, while you don’t want to lose chances. In this case, just go by yourself.

Note: If you decide to hire aankoop makelaar but at the end you get the house by yourself and with your export, no obligation to pay that makelaar. 

5. Mortgage adviser/broker or not?

Damar and I used this service. But it’s not necessary if you already have a relationship with your current bank and do not want to go extra in the effort. For us, we are keen to get the lowest interest offer possible. That is the key role of mortgage adviser. They will also help out to advise what are the best for our condition (working, contract, age, finance, future plan etc).

Another key role of mortgage adviser is their legal access to borrow money on your behalf to the mortgage lenders/bank. Brokers work with a variety of lenders to find loans for clients, but do not lend out money directly. They are the middle man. The lender could be a mortgage bank, which specializes in mortgages; it could be a large commercial bank, a community bank or a credit union. Ask a broker what he or she can offer that a bank can’t and the response will almost certainly be variety. Because brokers are not tied to any one lender, they have the ability to shop around on behalf of their client.

Note: At the end the extra service fee you pay is more or less the same with what you pay to the bank. Because they also have mortgage adviser that is shoved to you to be used.

6. Take it easy in bidding

Don’t bid too crazy and try not to be too attached to one house. Always believe that if you lose one, there will be many more coming and it will only be for the better. Nothing is too good! By having this mindset, you will not go mental in bidding. Think realistically! First of all, you have to think about the taxation process that will happen after you get the house. If the taxation report (done by an official to check the value of the house on behalf of your mortgage lender) is lower than what you bid, you have to pay the extra amount yourself. If you do not have savings, bank might reject your mortgage request and you have to cancel your bid, which no one really prefers after the long process. So, make sure of this.

Bidding tips: It’s always good to mention your savings (if any) because these days the selling agent (verkoop makelaar) are very cautious and they do not want to go too far when they know there is a chance that your mortgage request will get denied by your chosen bank.

7. Enjoy the process

I know that it could be very overwhelming, house visits, calling, research, checking the house pieces, bidding, waiting in vain, rejected, and start all over again. We had to go through around 10 house visits in 2,5 months and 6 successfully rejected bidding. But we learnt through it all, we observed and know where we could improve. Not only in the hunt process but also in my relationship with Damar. Through it all, it’s more and more clear for use about the priority we both wanted. We did it all together, split tasks etc. It was a bonding moment with him. So, no stress just enjoy it and don’t get to emotionally attached to anything you are interested in. Rejections and struggles only lead to something better!!!

Good luck!!!

This is a glimpse of our house look (in Indonesian)

Source: – Choosing between mortgage and bank


Asia Malaysia Travel

Transit in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

8th October 2017 - 7 min read

A few months back, Damar and I went to Indonesia for the wedding of his brother. Actually we did not plan to come due to my limited holiday at the office and the high flight season. But then we changed our mind. You can earn money but no family memory, I believe. And therefore, we kept it easy going and looked for the cheapest options. The selected flight went to a combo of KLM – Malaysian Airlines which required a transit in Kuala Lumpur. I felt somewhat more excited because I had not stepped my feet on Malaysia before. And obviously the cheapest one required a long amount of transit in the Airport (16 hours!!). So we could go out and take a peek in the city. Off we went!!

The airport is very big and modern. The only way to get you connected from KLIA and KLIA2 is an aerotrain (airport facility). Follow the sign or ask the friendly staff, you will get yourself there very easily. KLIA is for the Malaysian airlines and International – national flight while KLIA2 is more for the budget/carrier flights. We ended up in KLIA and stayed there.

Visa or no Visa

If you remain staying within the Airport, check the detail in here. As Indonesians, we obviously do not need visa to enter Malaysia. However, you might do. Check out the list of countries that need visa here, especially when you want to take a look outside.

Place to sleep

There are different places for you to spend the night. Overall there are a bunch of chairs and benches you can choose. That is actually what we decided to do. Many travelers recommended avoiding KLIA2 overnight, the main terminals have more options. The food court on the 2nd floor is pretty quiet, many travelers try to sleep here. We decided to go there for having a bite (actually a big bowl of noodles) at 11.00 pm just right before it closed down. Actually in general, all the places are quiet after 00.00 because that is when the stores close. For uninterrupted sleep, there is a transit hotel and sleep pods inside the airport and several hotels near the airport. See Airport Hotels list.

What to bring

If you decide to sleep in the airport, Eye shades, socks and blanket is a must! We were lucky because our airline provided us with a few of those equipment. The light in the airport is pretty bright and for those who need darkness, nothing would do but a proper eye shades.

Other than that, toiletries, towel and clothes change are obviously needed, but we all would know that.

I would exchange money in the ATM machine before anything.

What to do in Kuala Lumpur city the next day

The next day we started at 5 am and took a shower in one of the shower room there. Damar did but I just freshened up instead 😉 We went to KLIA2 and left our baggage over there. You can choose to be put in a locker or just to drop off (kept in a big room). I recommend to take the locker if you have valuable belongings. As it is time sensitive, you should already plan where to go beforehand, we used the night before with free WIFI to do a small research. We do not want to waste the time where we can enjoy the city, do we? Our next flight was at 13.30 in the afternoon, thus the goal was to already back in the airport at 12.30.

We took a bus to get ourselves to KL Central. The bus was enjoyable, with AC and free WIFI inside. Once I went out of the airport, I felt the breeze of Asian life already. Life starts super early over there and the dynamic is just oh feel a lot like home. It took 1 hour to KL central and once we were in the KL Central we transferred to another transportation. We took the green line because we wanted to have Nasi Lemak as breakfast. Checked lots of different sites, we wanted the famous one and also located in the middle of our way to Batu Cave. Yes, that is our ultimate destination! The selection dropped to Nasi Lemak Mak Wanjor atau Mak Wonjo! It made our morning and we continued our journey to  by commuter. It took 25 minutes to get there.

No entrance fee and just enjoyed the time there. Put alarm on when you should take the tram back to Sentral.

Transit in Kuala Lumpur

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Activity Price Details
Late Dinner in the airport 20 RM
Baggage drop off 40 RM in Medium-sized locker
Bus 2 ways 20 RM
Ticket train 2 ways 4,2 RM
Breakfast Nasi Lemak mak Wanjo 10 RM
Rent Sarong in Batu Cave (if needed) 5 RM
Fresh coconut water 5 RM
Total 104,2 RM


Europe Germany Travel

Grand Mosque Koln

23rd July 2017 - 4 min read

Pertama kali menginjakkan kaki di Masjid ini yang ada di kepala saya adalah betapa futuristik modelnya. Dari luar terlihat kaca dimana-mana serta bentuk kubahnya yang melengkung unik dari bawah. Lengkungannya tidak seperti kubah biasanya yang warna warni terbuat dari tiles, melainkan dari konkret dengan warna minimalis dengan bangungan yang tidak lepas dari bangunan dibawahnya. Bentuknya menyerupai kapsul kalau menurut saya.. Kata beberapa orang, terlihat seperti masjinya alien haha.

Jadi ceritanya, Komunitas Turki di Koln mendirikan masjid baru ini di tahun 2007. Letaknya di sudut Venloer Straße dan Innere Kanalstraße di daerah Ehrenfeld. Bangunan ini ditandai oleh kaca-kaca yang lebar, beton dan kayu serta kubah transparannya. Masjid tersebut diapit oleh dua menara setinggi 55 meter. Selain ruang sholat, pusat komunitas akan mencakup perpustakaan, kantor administrasi dan ruang untuk kursus pelatihan dan seminar.

Pada saat masjid ini pertama kali direncanakan untuk dibangun, banyak sekali kontroversi yang terjadi hingga mulai didirikan. Biaya bangunan yang melonjak hingga warna tema dari masjid itu mendapatkan tuduhan bahwa ada simbol kirstenisasi yang tersembunyi. Arsitek Paul Bohm dan Ditib, cabang otoritas urusan agama Turki, sepakat untuk melanjutkan proyek tersebut namun menunggu intervensi dari Walikota Koln pada saat itu yang sekarang telah pensiun.

Setelah dialog yang intens, Fritz Schramma mengatakan bahwa partai-partai tersebut, yang dengan jelas dia anggap sebagai “kombatan”, telah sepakat untuk menyelesaikan proyek tersebut untuk menciptakan sebuah “masjid terbuka yang transparan”. Dia mengatakan bahwa dia berharap masjid tersebut “segera dipenuhi dengan kehidupan”. Saat ini masjid itu benar-benar sudah dipenuhi dengan kehidupan dan menjadi pioner tercampurnya banyak kultur dan agama di Kota Koln.

Jika berkesempatan atau tinggal di daerah Jerman, kalian harus mengunjungi Masjid yang dicanangkan sebagai masjid yang paling modern se-eropa ini.

Grand Mosque Koln


Grand Mosque Koln

Grand Mosque Koln

Grand Mosque Koln

Grand Mosque Koln

Grand Mosque Koln

Grand Mosque Koln

Grand Mosque Koln

Cologne Central Mosque
Venloer Str. 160
D – 50823Cologne
+49 221 – 50 80 00
+49 221 – 50 800 100



Europe Italy Travel


23rd April 2017 - 12 min read

Damar and I bought a ticket to Italy long time ago and had been waiting ever since. Neither of us had never been to Cinque Terre area, hence the excitement. Cinque Terre literally means Five Lands, comprise the five small coastal villages of Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza and Monterosso located in the Italian region of Liguria. They are listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List (source: Wikipedia).

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Cinque Terre Map

Our plane landed in Milan at around 12 and as I had never been to Milan, we immediately headed off to Duomo di Milano. We just roamed around there, took picture, and people-watching. Three hours are quite enough time to get a little taste of the city of Milan. After being a full tourist, we went back to station to catch our trenitalia for our Cinque Terre ride. We booked it in advance and we recommended it as it is much cheaper!

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The train was amazingly comfortable, no WIFI though, but really nice with arranged seats. Once we entered Liguria area, we noticed that we often passed by dark tunnels. And as soon as reaching the coast area, all I saw was mesmerizing and breathtaking view. We were lucky that the sky was blue and very clear. We could totally enjoy the nature landscape through the train.

How long to stay?

Three nights we stayed in which actually you could also do less. But we did not want to hurry. For some people 1 or 2 nights are enough. Actually you can also go explore all the lands in one day if you go by train. But we planned to hike and take the high road 🙂 This way you experience the nature more. If you do everything in one day, I don’t think you would be able to explore as much.

Where to stay?

We decided to stay in Corniglia as it is the most uncommon and it is located in the middle of the five lands. We thought it would be easy to 2 lands in one day and the other 2 lands the next day. T

Damar read an article stating that hiking from Corniglia to Vernazza is better than the other way around due to the amount of ascending. That is another reason why we chose to stay at Corniglia. It is a beautiful, quite and less tourist place to stay.

I stayed at Cristiana’s place, in which you can check the airbnb here. It was only the small bedroom available, thus we got that one and it’s more than sufficiently equipped. It is included breakfast and it is SO GOOOOOD! Try the chocolate croissant if you go there. The view is everywhere beautiful too.


Colazione (breakfast): You should try the pasticceria (pastry) of Italian. The creme, chocolate and apricot are the typical taste of croissant that makes it different than others. I love the creme or more like fla, Damar loves the melting chocolate. However, after tasting melting chocolate from Cristiana’s place, we had a new standar of delicious chocolate croissant. We tried so many times but we could not find anything better. Besides pastry, you should have coffee, no matter if it is espresso or capuccino. It is a perfect combination with the sweetness from the pastry. Be careful when you order “latte”, as they will give you milk. You should say it caffe latte instead.

Pranzo (lunch): Many places are closed during lunch time as it is considered as the most important meal of the day. Like in Spain, Italian people also have ‘siesta’ (an afternoon nap) after having lunch. Some schools allow the students to go home for lunch. However, nowadays they can also just go to closest Trattoria (an Italian place where simple food is served) or Pizzeria (Pizza place).

Panini is one of a good choice to have lunch, however me as an asian, bread is not enough as a meal. I always prefer pasta and my favorite is Gnocchi (potato pasta)! Cinque Terre is the best place that serves seafood. Thus, while there make sure you treat yourself with a very fresh, good-taste seafood. I must say the squid and muscles are the best! We love fried fish and seafood street way too!

A typical Italian though, they tend to really have a big meal. With first course (pasta or rice), second course (meat or fish), side dish (vegetable or salad) and dessert (fruits or sweets).

Cena (dinner): Italian dinner is quite light (soup, broth, salad or cold meat), but we cannot go light! We always end up with either seafood pasta or big pan of seafood pizza!

Check out my videos for some food footage 🙂

What to pack?

I will suggest to go there around Spring time as it is not that hot that you can actually enjoy the weather although sometimes it is quite unstable as it’s a transition period. Thus this will revolve around Spring’s needs. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

  • Bring hiking or running shoes for the hike! And also some socks obviously!
  • Make sure to always bring sweater or warm stuff in case cloudy weather, it gets chiller and chiller, especially at night
  • Beach towels OR make sure your stay provides beach towels. Mine does 😉
  • Swimsuit or bikinis!
  • Sunblock! it can be really hot during hike especially when the sun is above your head
  • Leather jacket and umbrella
  • Bottles, to refill with mineral water
  • CASH! they prefer cash than card, and it is just easier. I always prefer cash when travelling, easier to give ourself budget
  • Books, podcast download, earphone – for the train ride and beach



Activities Price/ person Calculation Total 
Easy Jet flight ticket return 50 eur 50 eur
Train ride airport to Station 12 eur 12 eur
Train ride from Milan to Corniglia 15.4 eur 15.4 eur
Airbnb 46 eur 46 eur x 3 days 138 eur
Hiking entrance ticket Corniglia – Monterosso including train ticket to return to Corniglia 16 eur 16 eur
Return train ticket from Corniglia – Riomaggiore 8 eur 8 eur
Food 10 eur 10 eur x 6 lunch dinner 60 eur
Mineral water 2 liter 1,5 eur 1,5 x 3 days 4,5 eur
Total 284 eur

Five Villages, from West to East

Monterosso (midday)

It is the only land in Cinque Terre that has a proper beach. We arrived and decided to sit by the beach and take a nap. We thought that was the only beach there. After taking enough nap, we continued walking and voila there was another bigger beach nearby the station!! So we spread our beach towel and continued enjoying the water and sun. Buy some fried fish that was served in a cone, also the anchovies is the best in this area!! Monterosso is the most accessible by car.


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Vernazza (midday)

It is the fishing village of the area. There is a famous church called the Santa Margherita d’Antiochia which was built in 1318. It’s built on a rock right in front of the sea. You can just simply enjoy the view and have some snacks by the water.



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Corniglia (morning or midday)

Its very tranquil and it is best place to stay in my opinion. There is a sea-facing terrace in the corner and nice small alleys that you should visit!



Manarola (late afternoon)

The hiking trail from Corniglia was closed unfortunately, thus we took train. Make sure that you go there before sunset. The sunset view is killer! And to experience before sunset is even better, you would see the slow movement of the sunset. There is a cemetery uphill to visit and you can also wait for the sunset over there. There are also cafes in the below layer hill, and you can enjoy the sunset while listening to music and sip some drinks.


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Riomaggiore (morning or midday)

It is the largest and apparently the ‘capital’ of Cinque Terre. The buildings lined down very steeply and in a very vivid color (the brightest compared to others). It’s best to enjoy during the day when the sun is above your head. I do think there are more rocks by the water than other lands. You can buy panini nearby,  we do not remember the name but it is pretty obvious as people always line up. Bring the panini and eat it on the rocks. You can go to the cafes and enjoy a sip of coffee and people watching. The center is just a walking distance from the small ‘beach’. You should wear colorful dress to look good in a picture 😉



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