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Love life

Europe Iceland Love life Milestone Resolutions

Aurora Tips

12th February 2016 - 6 min read

Seeing aurora is the main purpose why I wanted to go to Iceland. Everything that has been written on my journal as a bucket list or resolution has a special place in my heart. This journey I planned with Damar couple of months ago as we shared the same dream: witnessing aurora with our bare eyes. It was even better when in between the day of buying the ticket and the departure day, we decided to date. Nice to know that my partner and I are in the same direction and has the same wish.

We are really lucky that in the 2nd day of our stay we can already witness the aurora even just a little. The tricky part of seeing aurora is that ones’ eyes have to be really sensitive and someone needs to really into it and keep on checking the forecast. Fortunately, we have Damar in our group 🙂 He is really concerned and did a lot of research until he could see where was the aurora even if it’s not that visible with our eyes. Aurora can be visible only in the darkness and around midnight and after. If it was not because of Damar, I am not sure we could have this wonderful experience. Although, there is of course Northern light tour in Iceland that will guide you in seeing the aurora, but we did not want that.

The aurora activity when we were there was only in level 2-4 out of 9. This is already good, the scientists who predict the aurora activity are very coutious about their predictions. Most of the year it never go up above 4. It was an incredible experience. Something that I will always remember, even thought it could not be captured by camera.

Here are some tips from Damar, at least how he prepared for it:

  • Check  for the forecast, what you need to see from this is the aurora activity and the cloud coverage (see below). The one on the right is the aurora activity and the map is the cloud coverage. Bear in mind that the aurora activity shown here is per day. So we actually didn’t know whether the activity was 5 in early Sunday 01:00 AM or late night 11:00 PM. You can scroll below the map to see the cloud on your location within a  certain period of time. You can also see the moon phase, of course dead moon is better than a full moon. Full moon will hinder your sight of the aurora. We saw the biggest activity when it was level 4, we had no cloud above us, and it was on a dead moon. Although we also saw it when it was just level 2.Aurora forecast
  • He downloaded 2 apps in his iphone which basically do the same thing. They are called Aurora Forecast and Aurora (I downloaded the free version, it is enough). What these two apps provided but not the is the exact aurora activity per 15 minutes for the next 1 hour. This was very convenient, we went out looking when the aurora activity is above 2 for the next hour.
  • This is perhaps the most important tip, just go out! The chance of you seeing the aurora is significantly higher outside than inside a house. We drove to somewhere where there are very little city lights if the aurora activity is above 2 and the sky is clear. Then just look north because the aurora should be there.
  • There is cctv outdoor (earth cam), where you can see from inside what the sky looks like outside. But it’s limited and no freedom to see the surroundings. Damar did not end up using this that much
  • Have your clothes ready in case you need to get out of the house to catch the aurora in the midnight
  • Prepare your camera, we used DSLR which capture more light so it’s more visible in the camera than with eyes. If you understand a little bit on how to use the DSLR camera, Damar used manual mode with high aperture of f4.5 and long exposure of 25 seconds, and of course a tripod to make your camera steady during those 25 seconds. I tried with my Iphone and it failed big time
  • Oh and you might want to plan something special for your loved one like how Damar did to me…….. Go on to the Aurora story

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Dreams Europe Iceland Love life Milestone Wedding Series

And under the Aurora he bended knee

12th February 2016 - 4 min read

It was the second day of our trip when Damar set up his tripod and camera outside to create a timelapse.  I was waiting and falling asleep on the couch while he was busy with his camera, so did his siblings.

1 hour later, he got hysterical when he discovered his camera caught the aurora passing by the sky. He knew that in midnight it would appear again. He got me all excited in my exhaustion and sleepiness. It was 23.00 pm.

I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, cleaned up and changed to pajamas, got ready to sleep. Couple of minutes after, Damar was coming and half screaming saying that the Aurora appeared again and asked me to change and get ready to go out. I was super lazy, but then I remembered why I came to Iceland, this might be the only chance. So I quickly wore my socks and winter gears. We tried to wake Damar’s siblings but they did not move, so we took the car and went out to the quite field, just 5 mins from our stay.

The aurora was there, not that strong but I could see a little bit of the lights. I knew it was not a normal cloud or sky. It was the spectacular show of the earth, it was THE aurora. While Damar was busy setting up his tripod and camera, I was busy admiring the sky. He set the timer and came to me, we took picture together facing the aurora. What a dream comes true!!

He went to the camera and set the timer again while I was still busy facing the sky. He came next to me…. and all of the sudden, there he was bending on his knee…………………… I looked at his face, he was looking at me with his usual loving sight, haltingly making his promise to me through his beautiful speech. I could not say anything, but cried.

Did not see that coming..

And the questions came, he asked ‘will you marry me?’. I said firmly ‘YES’.

And yes, we are engaged. We are getting married. This year.

I am very grateful that I am going to marry a man of my dream. Someone who never is selfish, care about my opinion, and ultimately about my dreams. He apparently planned this for quite a while. The ring he chose was also something that I always wanted, 3 stones vintage art deco ring from 30-40s. I am one lucky woman 🙂

The happiness is beyond measure. Alhamdulillah…

It’s the start of our journey. I cannot wait to start the life with him.






Love life

Damar’s 25th birthday

2nd January 2016 - 4 min read

Late post

Tanggal 25 Desember kemarin Damar genap berusia 25 tahun. Udah dari jauh-jauh hari aku bingung mau ngapain, kasih kado apa, kasih surprise apa. Biasanya emang gitu anaknya, kebanyakan rencana.

Jadi rencana dan hasil adalah sebagai berikut :

  1. Buat surprise di kamarnya pake balon helium yang dilepas ke ceiling dan dikasih tali bawahnya yang ditempelin foto Damar dan foto kita so far (yang nggak  banyak itu)
  2. Print tulisan Happy Birthday dan ditempel di dinding kamarnya
  3. Bikin surprise kue
  4. Masak makanan kesukaan dia, requestnya si ayam panggang pake resep mamanya  dan berniat bikin home dinner cantik di rumahnya oke candle dan baju bagus bareng-bareng mas dan adenya
  5. Kasi dia kado by request (dompet secrid) sama payung tahan angin, plus beberapa kado kecil handmade lainnya
  6. Bikin kartu ucapan sendirii

Yah begitulah, yang aku corat coret itu rencana yang tinggalah rencana haha. Praktek memang selalu lebih sulit dari yang dibayangkan. Itulah pentingnya perencanaan yang optimis dan tinggi. Jadi, hasil akhirnya ga rendah-rendah amat hihi 🙂 Kemarin itu aku struggling banget cari-cari informasi soal gas helium. Setelah nemu, ternyata harganya mahal buangetttttt. Harganya kira-kira 30 euro untuk 15 balon. Aduh, kok kayanya sayang banget. Uangnya bisa dipake untuk belanja bahan makanan dan kue ulang tahun. Akhirnya aku muter otak dan memutuskan buat nempelin pake selotip bagian atas balon ke atap kamar dia. Untung aja atapnya ga tinggi-tinggi amat.

Beginilah kira-kira hasilnyaaaaa

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Akhirnya, kuenya nggak jadi surprise karena ada kue spesifik yang dia pengen coba. Chocolate cake with ginger cream, pake resepnya Gordon Ramsay. Tapi yaudah, akhirnya aku bikinin. Not that bad.. Itu hiasan-hiasan kuenya beli di Hema. Lucu-lucu deh pernak pernik dekornya.

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Ngga jadi deh tuh dipasangin foto-foto dibawah talinyaaaa, abis repot ngeprint segala dan maaaahal. Juga nggak semua balonnya ditaro di atap karena selain waktunya nggak cukup, ada satu masalah yang nggak aku perkirakan sebelumnya. Tembok dia itu tembok yang ada partikel-partikel kecil yang bikin selotip biasa nggak mau nempel. Jadilah balon-balon itu cuma nempel selama beberapa menit  abis itu sukses copot. Ini difoto kebetulan pada nempel. Kado juga yang esensial aja, yang laennya nggak sempettttt. Next time 🙂 I’ve got plenty of times, I guess. Aamiin. Tulisan happy birthday juga nggak DIY akhirnya, boleh beli di HEMA 😛

Ngga jadi juga dinner dinner cantik, karena ade sama masnya sakit flu hahah. Yauda deh piring dia aja yang sedikit dibikin cantik. Kita juga makannya biasa di dalem rumah sambil nonton Seinfeld.

Semoga senang yaaa.. Selamat ulang tahun, belahan jiwaku……



Love life

Meet him part 3. Important whys – END

27th December 2015 - 3 min read

Continued from Meet him and  Meet him part 2

Often people say that you do not need reasons to love someone. But according to me, that is not entirely true. I had it, and I failed because I lost respect at some point. So this time, I wanted to use a lot of my brains and part of my heart. Love is something, but it is not everything. I do believe this would come naturally by the time when the reasons to be with him/her is right.

Here are some of my considerations that I thought thoroughly during the 1 month silence time. And this also was used for him to figure out why at the end I was sure.

  • Everything is easy with him – at some point of my life, I realize that a real relationship does take effort, but it does not take work. They are 2 different things.
  • Sitting down for 3 hours with him feels like 5 minutes – we have a basic understanding to each other. Discussions did not turn to arguments. I did not talk to him because I wanted to win or wanted to be heard, instead because I simply wanted to share (and because he is an excellent listener, as well 🙂 )
  • Our core values are the same – for me, this is really important. I am at the point that I know myself and my value very well. I know what are truly important for me. And this is why I know why he’s right for me.
  • My closest friends (not all, but so far) like him. And I am sure my family will do too. They are not me, but they have pretty good idea of who I am. My friends immediately think we are a good match. And to me, that’s a wonderful sign.
  • He makes me (even more) willing to be a better person everyday. Being with him is motivated. He drags me further, not down, not backwards.
  • I have reached the “comfortable silence”. In my opinion, it’s pretty rare to reach this stage in the beginning of a relationship. But with him, I got it right a way. I feel like he’d understand and accept me without I even had to try to hard to talk and explain. When I am around him, I know that everything will be just fine. That is how reliable he is….

And ultimately,  I think I realize that I no longer look for the definition of love. Because love is him.

For that I will take chances. For that I will take risks.


Love life

Meet him part 2

21st December 2015 - 3 min read

Continued from Meet him….

After the Orchestra and North Sea Jazz encounter, I decided to invite him home in the Eid Celebration for the sake of sharing the moments. I cooked the typical Eid dishes and invited some other friends over. The main reason to invite him was merely because I liked him around. I felt like we have the same frequency. Back then, I still had not discovered about facts that he had eyes on me since the beginning, and that he lied to me about the orchestra. He made an excuse that he came to this orchestra in The Hague for his student because she was in it and supposed to play that night. Apparently, it was all made-up stories. No wonder, after the orchestra when I kept on saying ‘let’s meet your friend, I wanted to congratulate her performance’, he persistently said no. I was upset when he told me that he lied. For me the smallest lie is still a lie, so I had to cope up with my emotion and took sometimes to absorb.

There was nothing particularly happened during the Eid celebration lunch. He was helping me out with some stuff in the kitchen which made me captivated. As an Indonesian man, that proactive attitude in household  just rarely happen. That is another thing why he is interesting, besides our similarities, he has gone through same process and struggles I did. Which makes it easier to understand each other and be more sensitive in terms of in dependency.

Anyway, it took me sometimes to grasp his ‘white’ lie. But at the end, I decided to accept it and carry on. He tried to fulfill the promise to himself that night when he saw me. Therefore, I proceeded it as an attempt to keep a commitment to himself which I think I should appreciate. After all, he decided to admit and tell me. So I took that gesture.

I did not know anymore what like or love was after my breakup. I was scared to fall and fail again. So I was being honest to him about how I feel and told him to wait for a month. I wanted my alone and silence time with myself to understand what I really want. Then I was off to Andalusia with my family, taking my time.

During the holiday, I could not stop thinking about him. I was praying asking God to lead me the way and help me be so sure to take a decision. Because after my breakup, the next one should be my husband……

To be continued….

Meet him part 3

Love life Quotes Thoughts

Love is a form of nurture part 2

21st November 2015 - 4 min read

What do I know about love? I was wondering myself about it months ago after my breakup. I am not an expert, but I have a certain principle about it. A principle I have acquired from my failed relationships throughout my life so far.

All teenagers are stubborn and unstable. It is part of the journey to discover the true self and which direction we/they want to go. Some people succeeded in starting relationship in their early age, it could last long until marriage and so on. They are the people who have a big portion of compromising skill, usually they are quiet and calm people. I was certainly not that kind of person, I failed many times, going to one relationship to another (as Cansu, my turkish friend, said being a monkey that is moving from one tree to anothers). But that’s part of me finding who I am and what kind of person is compatible with me. I don’t think it’s a waste of time, as long as I consciously walk and not get carried over by what is so called a sense of belonging as it leads to attachment. Attachment and getting too comfortable is very dangerous in the young age, in which I notice as time goes by. Most of the times I failed in a relationship is because we both stopped trying, and I stopped trying just because I was dissapointed many times.

Love ends when one of them or both of them stop trying.

Often people say that we need to love our couple just the way they are as well as the other way around. I used to believe in that and that occurs to me so many times in which in the tip of the relationship one of us take the other half for granted. The tendency after that is that we will stop trying.. Because we feel secure that he/she would not leave us, it is just too comfortable. I read an Indonesian book “Sabtu Bersama Bapak” (Saturday with dad), which I adore the messages it tries to deliver. It somewhat articulate what I have been thinking, and it was also in one of many conversations I have had with Damar.

Indonesian version:

“Membangun sebuah hubungan itu butuh dua orang yang solid. Yang sama-sama kuat. Bukan untuk saling mengisi kelemahan. Karena untuk menjadi kuat adalah tanggung jawab masing-masin orang. Bukan tanggung jawab orang lain”

English version:

“Establishing a relationship needs two solid and equally strong being, not merely mutually to fill in weaknesses. Because being strong is the responsibility of each person. Not someone else’s”

Damar once said, “I do not agree that someone wants to be with me because she needs me“. He also said “It’s each other’s responsibility to keep your other half keeps falling in love with you“. It’s an ongoing and non-stop effort. We need to try, willingly and sincerely. When you unwillingly do something only due to necessity and change you to someone you are not, that is not a good signal…

Love life Quotes Thoughts

Love is a form of nurture 1

21st October 2015 - 7 min read

In a brief conversation, a man asked a woman he was pursuing the question: ‘What kind of man are you looking for?’
She sat quietly for a moment before looking him in the eye & asking, ‘Do you really want to know?’ Reluctantly, he said, ‘Yes.’
She began to expound, ‘As a woman in this day & age, I am in a position to ask a man what can you do for me that I can’t do for myself? I pay my own bills. I take care of my household without the help of any man… or woman for that matter. I am in the position to ask, ‘What can you bring to the table?’ The man looked at her. Clearly he thought that she was referring to money. She quickly corrected his thought & stated, ‘I am not referring to money. I need something more. I need a man who is striving for excellence in every aspect of life.
He sat back in his chair, folded his arms, & asked her to explain. She said, ‘I need someone who is striving for excellence mentally because I need conversation & mental stimulation. I don’t need a simple-minded man. I need someone who is striving for excellence spiritually because I don’t need to be unequally yoked…believers mixed with unbelievers is a recipe for disaster. I need a man who is striving for excellence financially because I don’t need a financial burden. I need someone who is sensitive enough to understand what I go through as a woman, but strong enough to keep me grounded. I need someone who has integrity in dealing with relationships. Lies and game-playing are not my idea of a strong man. I need a man who is family-oriented. One who can be the leader, priest and provider to the lives entrusted to him by God.
I need someone whom I can respect. In order to be submissive, I must respect him. I cannot be submissive to a man who isn’t taking care of his business. I have no problem being submissive…he just has to be worthy.
And by the way, I am not looking for him…He will find me. He will recognize himself in me. He may not be able to explain the connection, but he will always be drawn to me. God made woman to be a help-mate for man. I can’t help a man if he can’t help himself.
When she finished her spiel, she looked at him. He sat there with a puzzled look on his face. He said, ‘You are asking a lot. She replied, “I’m worth a lot”.

The above story is clearly speaking out my mind. After the 3-years relationship separation, I wondered how could I feel he was the one when he was certainly not. I wondered a lot about love. The existence of it..

Finally, I came to a ramble conclusion.
I am a lover. Someone whom hungers for love and whom loves being loved. I’d rather be broken hearted than not expressing the love I have in me. With this feeling, I’ve never did it partially. When I love, I love fully.. And so how it was with my ex(es). I loved and I (thought) I was sure about my feeling.

Apparently, heart and brain are often not aligned. Looking back, I might unconsciously unsure within the relationship, about me and him as a couple. But it seems like I ignored too many red flags until I finally realized. Why was that? Because I held full accountable of my decision to be with them and I wanted to prove my self that I took the right decision to be with him. That’s part of my personality. Devotion…
However, no matter how hard I justified myself about the relationship, the answer from Him at the end was still a ‘no’. It mainly was caused by too many differences. In spite of me being very flexible, I had to compromise, a lot of compromising, a compromise up to the point that I feel I am not being myself anymore. Until I read the above article, I’ve never realized that I had never recognized myself in them. I’ve never felt to not to worry about a thing when I was with them.

I started with love and getting to know them. I naively believe that falling in love is passive and spontaneous. I was wrong. It is much more than that. The euphoria of love fades in a couple of years being together. The key to succeeding in a relationship is not finding the right person, it is learning to love the person I find. I don’t need love to be the reason with someone. Love is an active word, a form of nurture. When I feel I could team up with someone, that I recognize myself in him, the love would certainly come along and can easily be nurtured in deepening it.

I value myself too much that makes me selective on how to make a choice for my future life partner. How I choose him depicts how I value myself. I don’t want to settle for less. And nobody should. I need to be with someone who can keep up with me, whom I can look up to and have qualities to enable me showing respect. That man needs to have extraordinary dreams, dreams that can somehow be incorporated with mine. Dreams that can make me make a peace with mine. Someone who loves and able to take care of themselves well. I need a doer. Not because I need them in my life to fulfill my needs, but I need them to match with mine so we can go along side by side together until we reach our goals, together.

Then I can fall in love. Then I can nurture the love continuously.

If you’re young or in your early twenties, focus on shaping your personalities and qualities. It is a manifestation for good choices and a good life in the future..


To be continued..


Love life Quotes Thoughts

The sound of a broken-hearted being

26th July 2015 - 6 min read

Kutipan Peluk (Dewi Lestari dan Aqi)
“… Rasakan semua, demikian pinta sang hati. Amarah atau asmara, kasih atau pedih, segalanya indah jika memang tepat pada waktunya. Dan inilah hatikum pada dini hari yang hening. Bening. Apa adanya.”

Menahun, ku tunggu kata-kata Yang merangkum semua 
Dan kini ku harap ku dimengerti 
Walau sekali saja pelukku
Tiada yang tersembunyi 
Tak perlu mengingkari 
Rasa sakitmu
Rasa sakitku
Tiada lagi alasan
Inilah kejujuran
Pedih adanya 
Namun ini jawabnya
Lepaskanku segenap jiwamu 
Tanpa harus ku berdusta 
Karena kaulah satu yang kusayang
Dan tak layak kau didera
Sadari diriku pun kan sendiri 
Di dini hari yang sepi 
Tetapi apalah arti bersama, berdua 
Namun semu semata
Tiada yang terobati
Di dalam peluk ini 
Tapi rasakan semua 
Sebelum kau kulepas selamanya
Tak juga kupaksakan 
Setitik pengertian 
Bahwa ini adanya 
Cinta yang tak lagi sama
Lepaskanku segenap jiwamu 
Tanpa harus ku berdusta 
Karena kaulah satu yang kusayang 
Dan tak layak kau didera
Dan kini ku berharap ku dimengerti 
Walau sekali saja pelukku

Is love existing??
Now come to think about it, I can’t say if I have ever really loved someone. I had always jumped into one relationship to another, bringing relationship to another level.

When I was in that very moment, I thought I was deeply in love, heart was stolen and eventually taken. But It was not bluntly nor impromptu, there were always factors that support my decision to be their girlfriends at the time. I considered values and things in which I judged could be compatible to me (and often thinking about my family too). But then, after 2-3 years the feeling just faded away.. gone…

Not long after that, there came another men, heart was taken again and I thought I could not live without him. But, at the end that relationship once more faded away and gone………..
Why could it fade when the ultimate love should be staying and eternal?

I think I just did not understand what love is.  
If I did not understand then, what makes me understand now?

Does love exist when you always think about what benefit you could take from them? What value you could share together? Those things should not matter after all when it comes to love, no? At least, that’s how the spread theory that I understood.
I personally don’t think those matter so much from the definition theory of love. Love should be unconditional.

Freud so frequently attributed human nature to unconscious desires, his theory of love centered around the need for an “ego ideal”. His definition of an ego ideal is this: the image of the person that one wants to become, which is patterned after those whom one holds with great respect.
I think he is somewhat true. Although I don’t really agree in the part of ‘the person that one wants to become’, it’s more likely something that you will recognize about you in other people, something that just easily clicks and fits altogether.. And those things you recognize and you want to see in him/her will create respect towards that person.

So when respect is gone equals with love disappearance? Why?

Does love make you stay to take care your husband when they end up in a wheel chair or a commitment you have to deal with?
Love should not lead to a sense belonging or ownership where you think you should control them in a way that you want. Nothing should own no one except love to your very self.

Love supposedly comes naturally..(?) Love supposedly eternal…….(?)
Maybe it’s existing but when it vanishes, then it should not be called love?
Norwegian Wood book says “You would buy a strawberry cake for someone, running in the rain, come back finding out he/she doesn’t want it anymore, and you’re cool with it. You don’t expect something in return”

However, love with parents is different.
We were assigned to a couple whom He chose for us.
Our love is unconditional BASED on thankfulness, a need to make them happy because they made you happy as a child and be raised.
It’s different, because it’s a family and you bond by an unbreakable relationship. No matter how you think you don’t like them, there will always be a slight love and attention. Because you have to…

With someone in the opposite gender, you can break the bond whenever you feel like. Love can vanish.. But it’s A COMMITMENT that hold you tight. Love will vanish.

Ultimate love for me now is to my self (in which I am everyday still learning) and to my God.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs places self-actualization at the peak. He maintains that those who have reached self-actualization are capable of love.